IFSGen aims to promote and disseminate by online media all the scientific events that address women's and gender history,related topics. We invite members and those interested in these subjects to notify us of any event (or publication) related to the network's areas of interests.

29-30 Mai 2024, „Istoria la feminin” secțiunea se desfășoară în cadrul SESIUNII ŞTIINŢIFICE DE COMUNICĂRI „ŢARA BÂRSEI”, EDIŢIA XXII Cultură și civilizație − secolele XVIII-XX
Consultă programul aici
22-23 Mai 2024, Women in Eastern and Southeastern Europe and the Experience of War. INTER-CONFESSIONAL, INTER-RELIGIOUS, AND INTER-ETHNIC PERSPECTIVES,
Foundation Reconciliation in South-East Europe (RSEE),Sibiu, ROMANIA
Institute for Peace Studies in Eastern Christianity (IPSEC), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
Consultă progrhttps://ifsgen.umfst.ro/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Conference-Program-Sibiu-final-16-mai-EPILOG-1.pdfamul aici:
Cluj Academic Days, 13-15 October 2022, the Conference: 'Between nationalism and globalization. Continuities, fractures, and perspectives in the history of Central and Eastern Europe from the Middle Ages to the present'the panel: 'Women in the narrative, imaginary, and the socio-professional reality of the society they worked in'.For more details visit:

Bucharest, the National Museum of Romanian Literature: The exhibition "In search of Julia Hașdeu", 18 October 2022. The exhibition represents a project through which the organizers proposed a reconstruction of Julia Hasdeu's personality based on her school notebooks and correspondence with B. P. Hașdeu during his years of study in Paris, his posthumously published works and the transcripts of the spiritualist sessions initiated by the grieving father, in an attempt to recover the spirit of his prematurely lost daughter.

Conferința Anuală a Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C. S. Nicolăescu-Plopșor” 20-21 octombrie 2022, Craiova cu secțiunea „Femeia între tradiție și modernitate”.
Pentru mai multe detalii accesează: https://icsu.ro/2022/07/conferinta-anuala-a-institutului-de-cercetari-socio-umane-c-s-nicolaescu-plopsor-octombrie-2022/

Editorial event: Anemari Monica Negru, Din scrierile uitate ale Aidei Vrioni. Memorii și corespondență, vol. II, 2022.