Online workshop: Directions and Research Themes in University Museums in Romania Study case: Female Presence in the Romanian Academic Environment. A Possible History?
The main purpose of the online workshop was to bring together specialists (researchers, museographers, documentalists, etc.) from various fields (social sciences, humanities, sciences, medicine, etc.) who work in university museums in Romania. We aim to discuss the main research directions promoted in university museums in our country and the role of these institutions in protecting and promoting the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of our universities.
The initiative to organize the workshop belongs to the Museum of History of Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (Dr. Claudia Septimia Sabău and Dr. Ana-Maria Stan), together with the "George Emil Palade" University Museum of UMFST "G.E. Palade" in Târgu Mureș (Dr. Georgeta Fodor).